Friday, January 20, 2012

Vitamix! Chocolate Chia Milk Shake

My Vitamix arrived in the mail today and I knew the first recipe I'd try would have to be a healthier alternative to chocolate frozen yogurt. This was too liquid to be considered a frozen dessert but it is a fantastic milk shake.

Chocolate Chia Milk Shake
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1/4 c Lowfat Milk
3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
1 Tbsp Hazelnut Agave
4 ice cubes

1. Stir chia seeds into cold milk and allow to thicken for a few minutes.

2. Add cocoa and agave to chia/milk mixture and stir.

3. Place ice cubes in Vitamix and add other ingredients.

4. Process on variable, from 1-10 and a few seconds on high.

5. Taste before you remove it. Add more sweetener to taste.

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